Thursday 11 September 2008

There must be some mistake

I thought for sure there'd be at least one, perhaps more, MNW writer on the Booker Prize short list. Perhaps someone should put in a call to Short List Headquarters to ask if there has been an oversight.



Ellie said...

They've probably been trying to call MNW Towers but the lines are down, or something.

Pay the bill, Will...

David Isaak said...

My e-mails to Macmillan get bounced as spam quite a lot by their IT department. Perhaps that's the problem.

btw, Brian McGilloway's Borderlands got shortlisted for the CWA's Dagger Award for Best First Novel. I have at least as much respect for that one as for the Booker.

Had it existed in their time, the Booker is the sort of award that would have ignored writers like Jane Austen and Charles Dickens and given the laurels to writers who are now forgotten.

Here in the US, the Pulitzer and the National Book Award are good at that, too. Sure, every so often they screw up and give the award to a genuinely great book. But nobody's perfect.