At risk of seeming to monopolise this blog, one final piece of news. The Pan Mac site is hosting a podcast where I discuss the writing of the Devlin books and the experience of being published by MNW. What is, perhaps, of most interest in this is the fact that the man asking the questions is Will Atkins, Commissioning Editor of Macmillan New Writing. You can listen to the interview by clicking here and following the links.
Hey, cool!
Podcasts are always a bit of a technical challenge for me. My aim is to download it onto MP3 and listen to it in the car.
One working definition of having "arrived" as a writer is surely to have a podcast!
Enjoyed listening to the interview, Brian, and it was nice to hear your voice!
Yes, Brian, you have a very pleasant voice. I can just imagine you on Newsnight review, talking about your latest, with that slightly spooky music playing in the background that they use whenever they do a bit on crime.
Top banana!
Thanks folks
Yes - the voice issue is a strange one. You imagine someone's voice when you read their book - there's always a risk that the real thing will be a disappointment!
Oooh, that is interesting. Just shows how much gets past me - until now I didn't realise Pan Mac had a podcast!
It would appear, with so many many submissions, the chances of being published are remote indeed.
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