Hello to you all.
I’m Ann Weisgarber, and I’m pleased to be joining you as a Macmillan New Writer. I came across your blog a month ago and am just now working up the courage to jump in. A few days ago, Matt got me all set up with the system and made me feel welcomed. Many thanks, Matt.
Just to introduce myself, I live on the outskirts of Houston, Texas, and my book, The Personal History of Rachel DuPree, is scheduled to be released on June 6. I’ve never been to the UK but in celebration, my husband and I are making the trip to London the first week of June. The dollar couldn’t be in worse shape, but I figure this is one of those once-in-a-lifetime-opportunities. It is also my chance to meet Will and Sophie, and some of the other people who have worked so hard to whip my book into shape.
In the meantime, it’s great fun reading about all your fine achievements. You’re an impressive group of writers. I look forward to getting to know you.
Hi Ann! Good to meet you.
Welcome, Ann! I hope you enjoy your trip across the pond and the whole launch experience.
Hello Ann
Always good to hear from another MNWer. The best of luck with publication.
Hi Ann - welcome!
Hi Ann - welcome to the 'slightly off beat' gang!
Hi, Ann! Good to see you here (I'm one of the other Yanks. Our numbers are small but growing.)
Hello Ann ... and welcome. I live on your side of the pond as well ... I'm an ex-pat Brit and I've not yet introduced myself to the group, apart from the odd post on other's threads.
I hope you fall in love with London.
Hi All. Thank you for your hellos and welcomes. Hearing from each of you is a boost. My nerves are a bit skittish as the release date comes closer and closer, but I remind myself that you all went through the process and managed to survive. Most of you have even gone on to write the next book. That's very encouraging. As for my visit to London, I'll be one of those crazy, sleep-deprived tourists, map in hand, trying to see it all.
Hello, and congratulations on joining the MNW fold!
Welcome, Ann. It's good to have another MNWer here in the Colonies. Congrats on your book. Let us all know how the release goes, as well your trip to London.
Belated welcome, Ann, and congratulations on the publicaton of your book!
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