Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Another Way to Get MNW Books in North America

I'm cross-posting this from my blog since I feel it might be of general interest...

Maggie Dana e-mailed me about a UK-based company called The Book Depository. They claim to provide free shipping anywhere in the world, and provide a modest discount on the cover price as well. Maggie says they are estimating a 7-10 day delivery time to the US on her forthcoming novel, which, given the 10-90 day delivery I've had from Amazon UK, looks very good indeed.

If this service works, it knocks the socks off Amazon. And Book Depository seems smugly aware of this fact--on the order page it lists the price including shipping, and even offers you a button to click through and buy it from Amazon UK instead. In the case of the paperback edition of Shock and Awe, they will deliver it for $9.26, as compared to an Amazon UK price of $20.56 after shipping is included.

Of course, Amazon US offers the book for $8.95 plus shipping, so the savings aren't huge relative to ordering from Amazon US; and are slightly higher than ordering it from your local bookseller. But it's nice to have another route.

I plan to order the next few MNW titles from Book Depository and see how it works. I'll keep you posted. And thanks, Mags!


Ann Weisgarber said...

David and Maggie, thanks for the tip.

Ninjauthor said...

Hi David

They look pretty good, and I like the way they only rank the top 10,000 books. Ensures that the ranking obsessives amongst us have the option to check our ranking every other day largely taken away. Which isn't a bad thing...