Thursday, 11 September 2008
MNW - The Gathering (part 2)
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To give all Macmillan New Writers a voice and blog/web presence if they so require it. A presence to enable them to spread their news good or bad, a platform to discuss their writing and the whole experience of being published under Macmillan New Writing...
OK, I would love to do this. For me, daytime would be better as I'd have to leave horribly early in the evening to get home reliably. Any day will work for me apart from Thursday when I do consultancy. The month isn't too problematic apart from the 15/11 and 31/01 - the offspring's birthdays!
OK, that's my two penn'orth. Over to the rest of you.
I'm flexible, living really close to London. I can't be specific about dates as everything's very short notice in my life due to Hubby's job, but name a date and I will do my very best to make it.
I think this is a great idea. In descending order of preference my months would be:
Afternoon/evening would be best for me although other times are not impossible. I could do weekdays or weekends.
David, how is your visit to London shaping up?
I'll be okay for December or January, or even February - though I'll be attending two book launches (my own - dates: tbc) one in Sheffield and one in London during two fridays in January.
Other than that, any day, any time. We could even do an afternoon and an evening if the stamina is there?
I could do a lunchtime on most days except Thursdays in Nov., Dec,. Jan.
Looks as though lunch time would be best so far, if ok for Tim. Perhaps week-ends might be better for the day jobbers? Is Nov. out for you, Matt? Otherwise it looks as though January might be best (maybe post-Christmas preferable anyway). And where is everyone else???
Hi, all (and Tim)...
My clients are now mumbling about wanting to see me in London in mid-November. But White Man Speak With Forked Tongue, so don't out a lot of stock in this latest news flash.
Too far, too costly for a lunch! Would love to be there...
Lunchtime not a problem for me. Since this would involve taking the day off work, a weekday is as good (better, in some ways) as the weekend. The chances of a functioning rail service at the weekend where I live are virtually zero...
Thanks, Matt and Frances. Great to see that this is going ahead. No preference Nov/Dec/Jan, but just a warning that London restaurants get heavily booked weekday lunchtimes mid/late December for Christmas parties.
Getting away at lunchtime on a working day (any month) is often quite tricky for me. Evenings and weekends are better from that point of view, but I'll do my best to be there, whatever date/time you all choose.
I think the consensus (so far) is lunch time (sorry, Len, but really hope you'll be able to make it) as some people obviously have to travel some distance and need time to get home. January is also looking good, unless David really can make it over in November, but that seems uncertain. So - is a lunch time in January a possibility for most people? Perhaps near Len's place of work, so that he can slip out...
OK, I can see that a weekday lunchtime probably suits most people. Hopefully these gatherings will become a regular thing and I can join you for the next one if I can't make it this time.
Okay, January looks like a good bet for most people. At the risk of capitalising on a good thing - I am looking to set up the launch for my second book at Goldsboro Books for either Jan 16th or 23rd (both Fridays) so a lunch time meeting on either day, or the Thursday before would be perfect for me. If it'll be handier for Len, could we organise to meet somewhere around the corner from his day-job? Len, any suggestions?
Unlikely I can make Friday 23rd, but the preceding day, or the week before, look fine.
It looks as though we're getting somewhere! Matt, can you let us know when you've decided the date of your launch, and perhaps we can arrange the gathering around that - two parties for the price of one...?
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