Following on from discussions at our lunch, I wonder whether it might be a helpful if we could produce a kind of e-leaflet for new MNWers. It seems that there is no longer a launch party for new novels, and some writers at least feel they could do with a little more advice about how to publicise their books. This seems to vary from writer to writer, but one author at least felt rather left in the lurch. If we could collect comments, then perhaps someone who is clever at this kind of thing (NOT me!) could do something ingenious with them so that they would be accessible to new writers.
To kick off, things I have found useful have been: local radio (excellent), book signings (obviously), website, business cards with my name and the titles of my books, talks to reading groups, making sure I always have copies of my books to hand (well, that's the theory) and generally being much more pushy than would normally come naturally (I find this comes with practice...). What does anyone else think? And do you have other ideas? And do any new MNWers think this would be helpful?
If there is so little being offered to new writers now that Sophie has gone on to greater things, then I think something like this is not only a good idea but really necessary and something the MNW community can do to support new authors that are coming into the imprint.
Count me in for whatever needs doing - I'm not sure I could put anything on the blog (I don't think most of us have access to settings) but I would be happy to put any contributions into a readable and reasonable form if somebody else wouldn't then mind making it available if I send them the file.
On a related tack - has anybody read any blogs/websites/books which it might be helpful to recommend in this context?
I have had some success with Facebook and other internet advertising. I'm now coming to the conclusion that for me it's worth spending some money on very targeted advertising.
Yes, count me in. I'd like to think we could help any MNWers with our accumulated knowledge, even if it's just email addresses for online reviewers who are MNW-friendly.
Maybe a yahoo or google group might be a good way to get the ball rolling on this. I'm happy to set one up if people think it would be useful.
I think that's a great idea, Frances. I'll pitch in wherever I might be useful.
This is a great idea, and I'm happy to help any way that I can. If nothing else, I'm happy for new writers to contact me and ask questions.
One thing I learned (a little late in the day in some instances) is the importance of responding to bloggers who review or who mention my novel. And of course, there is the almighty website, which should be up and running a few months before the release date.
I think a Yahoo group is a great plan.
This sounds like a great idea. Perhaps we should think about migrating the blog to something like Wordpress. Blogger as a tool to communicate is not bad at all, but I think Wordpress has the expansive engine to deliver resources and links and writers pages at a click of the button. It might be worth looking into...
Matt - that sounds great, provided you're happy to explain it all! Or Aliya's idea? We all have different experiences, and if we pool them, I feel we have a lot to offer to new writers.
Hello everyone, I missed this post as I was deep in page proofs.
All these ideas sound great. I am trying to push myself out there to promote my upoming book, but have had not much help from MNW yet. The finished book cover (not the one on my website)is up on Amazon but attempts to get someone to email me a copy have met with no response, nor have I had any info at all about how they might publicise the book. I guess there is a big hole where Sophie was at the moment. So any ideas will be gratefully received.
Deborah - if you email me with your phone number (my email: I can phone you with some ideas. I'm sure others can, too.
Hi Dee...
there is a very lovely and helpful Georgia Maycock in charge of publicity...she is really approachable and has just had a batch of leaflets made up for me for a signing I'm doing (so nervous!!) - completely her idea too. I really don't believe anything has changed with Sophie moving on, so don't worry. I think we just have to trust in them and the process. I didn't get my copies till fairly recently, so it may be a while before you get to hold your baby in your hands!! And what a great feeling - I could have hugged the delivery man (were he remotely attractive!)
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