What a time I had in London. It is a magnificent city, and it was a thrill to have my novel released there. Will and Sophie exceeded my expectations and had two events planned for me. One was at Goldsboro Books where on June 3, I signed “stock”, as they say in the business. Owners David and Daniel served wine, and boy oh boy was I ready for that. To my surprise, Len Tyler came just in time for a quick drink, and it was a pleasure to meet him. From there we walked to Orso on Wellington Street where I’m sure the food was delicious, but I was too keyed up to eat more than a few bites.
The week only got better. On Thursday I went to the MNW office to meet a few of the folks there including Mary Chamberlain, first reader and copy editor extraordinaire. That evening I went to Pimlico Library where Sophie and Ellen Wood had arranged for Will and me to do an informal presentation to several groups of writers and readers. I’d been quite nervous about this but the writers in the group were anxious to meet Will (as you can imagine), and they were a chatty bunch. Everyone made me feel welcomed, and it was an evening that I’ll never forget.
I’m lucky that I was able to make the trip. The book and its release wouldn’t have seemed real had I stayed in Texas. To the authors who are on the fence about coming to London for their book’s release, I encourage you to find a way to do it. You won’t be sorry. Meeting Will, Sophie, Ellen, Mary, and valued friends of NMW is worth every pence.
Hi Ann,
Great to hear that you had a good trip and a sucessful launch. I couldn't agree more about meeting the folks at MNW - a fantastic team. And David and Daniel at Goldsboro are just wonderful and huge supporters.
Best of luck with the book.
Sorry I couldn't get up to Pimlico to meet you, Ann.
So glad you had a good trip, Ann. All the very best for the book, and congratulations.
Glad you enjoyed your trip to London, Ann. The Macmillan crew are a great bunch, and a corrective to the prevailing opinion that the publishing industry is all about the bottom line with no real interest in books or writers.
Interested in your favourable opinion of London too. I find it quite the grimmest city of my experience, a view reinforced by a recent first visit to New York - which I loved! I'm glad to find a visitor thinks more of our capital city than I do...
The book sounds most interesting--I hope it is the great success it deserves to be.
It sounds like we've all had good launch experiences. The folks at MNW know how to do it right.
Tim, that's good news that you like NYC. That city makes me jumpy; all those people in such a rush. For some reason, London felt different. No one scowled and everyone was soft-spoken. I guess it truly is all in the eye of the beholder.
Ann - no-one scowled? Next time you come to London, let me know: you obviously exert a pacifying influence on the natives...
Tim, I was so happy and relieved that the book was really and truly published that I didn't see the first scowl. Really.
Speaking of which, doesn't your book comes out next month? Very exciting. What's on the agenda?
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